Cyber Conflict Simulator is a platform for practicing response to various cyber incidents. It is aimed to train not only cyber security experts but also management of organizations.
Cyber Conflict Simulator is a software system designed for people who will manage cyber incident. It was created in response to the needs for preparation / defence against cyber attacks of organizations, and for achieving compliance with laws and regulations (including EU NIS and NIS2 directives).
Cyber Conflict Simulator is intended for the companies, public and military sector, or anyone who uses IT systems in business and may be exposed to the risks of cyber attacks.
These are primarily companies and institutions that are the most frequent targets of attacks, such as banks and other financial institutions, companies, key state infrastructure such as energy, transport and health, public administration and the military.
The exercises are open to all persons involved in decision making when responding to an incident - from management to team leaders.
Providers of the services your organization uses may also be involved in the exercises.
CCS can be customized to any type of organization whose business continuity and business results depend significantly on the information system. Through the connection of the IT facility with business services and production processes, it is possible to describe the cyberspace that corresponds to the real information system and business of the organization, and in which the exercise of responding to a cyber attack is conducted.
CCS is entirely the result of the development of Utilis, and through the plug-in system it can be expanded with new facilities, actions and controls.
Contact us with additional questions, request a presentation or arrange an exercise tailored to your organization.
Utilis d.o.o.
Fallerovo šetalište 22, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Telefon: +385 1 36 35 666;
E-mail: info@utilis.biz